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Maple, Tahini & Almond granola

Amy Minichiello

I have a huge love affair with breakfast, to the point where I get so excited about waking up so that I can fill my tummy with nourishing, wholesome goodness to kick start the day. I am always hungry for it, something that my mum just cant understand, and no matter what time I get up in the morning be it 4:30am (back in the day when we first started AMK) or later, my tummy is always ready for it!

Lately I have been going crazy over porridge, I guess with the cooler mornings its that tummy warming goodness of creamy almond milk and oats that just hits the spot in so many good ways. However, every now and then, especially with the warmer months (hopefully) in front of us, I do like to indulge in the crunch of a good granola. Topped with a very generous dollop of either Greek yoghurt or coconut yoghurt, which I am loving at the moment along with some sliced banana, kiwi fruit, a chopped date and a drizzle of honey.

Full of all the good stuff and enough fuel to see me through until morning tea time. I find now that since the little man has arrived combined with breastfeeding my appetite, which was pretty good already, has definitely increased!!

This Maple, tahini and almond granola is so simple to make, its easier and healthier than going down to the shops to buy one pre-made and you know exactly what goes into it. Once you have all the ingredients its a great one to re-stock when running low and it lasts for ages! That's if you don't go eating it all once it comes out of the oven! yes, I do have the tendency to reach for handfuls of the stuff as it cools down on the bench. Realising only too late that I probably shouldn't have taken those last couple! its just too good and the aroma it fills the house with just gets me every time! You'll understand when you make it.


3 cups rolled organic (if possible) oats

1/2 cup almonds

1/2 cup walnuts

1/2 cup pumpkin seeds

1/2 cup sunflower seeds

1/2 cup shredded coconut

3 tbsp. coconut oil, melted

3 tbsp. maple syrup

3tbsp tahini

pinch salt

1 tsp cinnamon

Preheat oven to 170.

In a large bowl, add all of the ingredients, mix really well so that everything is combined. Lay a sheet of baking paper onto a baking tray and pour the mix onto this, spread it all out. Pop into the oven and bake for 10 minutes, remove, give it a good stir and then pop back in for another 8 minutes. At this point you can take it out and give it another mix around, it may be ready or it may need a few more minutes to turn that lovely golden, toasty colour. Just keep a really good eye on it as it can easily go from being perfect to burnt!

Remove from the oven, allow to cool (remember don't go eating too much while its on the bench, you will feel slightly sick!! haha) then place into a jar large enough to fit it all in, pop the lid on and ta-da! homemade granola.

After it has cooled, you can also add the likes of goji berries, dates, apricots or figs if you so desire. just chop them all up and stir through.

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